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DCS: World

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 25 Nov 2016, 02:24

Mas desarrollo del Mirage 2000C de RAZBAM
The BLG-66 Belouga cluster bomb is now functional. While smaller in size to the MK-20 Rockeye it is heavier.
BLG-66 / MK-20
Mass: 290 Kg vs 222 Kg
Bomblets: 151 / 247
Bomblet mass: 1.3 Kg / 0.59 Kg
This means that the BLG-66 bomblet carries a bigger punch.
The images are from a test flight. The green lines represent the radar arc.

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 25 Nov 2016, 13:46

Campaña F-5E: Aggressors BFM por Maple Flag disponible.


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 25 Nov 2016, 17:32

DCS: World 2.0.4 Update 1 disponible
DCS Update 1

Added support of the new F-5E Aggressors Basic Fighter Maneuvers Campaign by Maple Flag
SA342 Gazelle. Restored functionality of helicopter in DCS 2.0.4
Crash of VR with SFM planes has been fixed
A-10C. Cockpit mirrors will not be blurred now
A-10C. Simplified radio restored
Ka-50. The ABRIS search function restored
The smoke trails effect corrected. The smoke trails will not appear in front of aircraft and missiles.
Missile smoke trail will not disappear at some distances
The “Unit is dead” trigger will work correctly
L-39. The taxi and landing lights will be enabled at hot start
Mission generator. The error when China Su-27 is selected has been fixed
The aircraft laser designator will not pass through buildings and missiles will not aim to laser spot behind the illuminated building
PAI : Group take off on narrow runways fixed, A/C will take off in pairs
PAI: hazardous approach after landing fixed
Fast mission generator: corrected mission launch when terrain is not chosen
Merkava Mk.4: coaxial and AA machine guns ammo corrected up to 2*5000 rounds
VR devices: extremely low FPS fixed


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 28 Nov 2016, 05:07

DCS World Actualización no oficial semanal, 27 Noviembre (en español)


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 28 Nov 2016, 18:56

Seccion del AJS-37 Viggen abierto en la sección de Leatherneck en el foro de ED, estamos a unas horas de la retransmisión de Twitch del AJS-37 a las 20:00 CET


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 28 Nov 2016, 22:24

Presentación del AJS-37 Viggen por Leatherneck Simulators
Swinoujscie, Poland November 28th 2016 – AJS-37 Viggen coming to DCS World!

Leatherneck Simulations, in association with The Fighter Collection and Eagle Dynamics, are immensely proud to announce the development of the AJS-37 for DCS World!

The AJS-37 Viggen is a Swedish double-delta supersonic attack aircraft from the late Cold War. It was the backbone of the Swedish Air Force during the Cold war, serving as the main attack and anti-ship platform.
The AJS is the 90’s upgrade of this 70’s era aircraft, adding several advanced weapons and systems functionalities.
The aircraft was designed around the pilot, with an excellent man-machine interface, supporting the pilot through the smart use of autopilot systems and HUD symbology in order to deliver the ordnance onto targets from treetop level with high speed attack runs.

Key Features of the DCS: AJS-37 Viggen include:
Highly detailed and accurate 6-DOF (Degrees of Freedom) cockpit.
Extensive and highly detailed aircraft modelling systems such as:
CK37 aircraft computer with navigation data, time on target, and fuel calculation systems.
Data input / output interface and pre-planned data cartridge functionality.
Automatic dead reckoning navigation and terrain contour matching position update system.
Flight instrument systems.
Electrical and hydraulic systems.
Advanced RM-8A jet engine modelling with thrust reverser, compressor surges and stalls.
Sophisticated high-resolution air-to-ground radar technology modelling the PS-37/A radar including:
Multiple radar amplifications and filter settings.
Obstacle detection mode.
Memory mode.
Air-to-Air mode.
Highly accurate advanced flight model based on real performance data and documentation.
Maritime reconnaissance capabilities to determine position, course and speed of vessels.
Advanced programmable weapons such as the RB-15F anti-ship missile with multiple waypoints and the configurable BK-90 “Mjolnir” Cluster munitions dispenser.
Detailed modelling of over 14 unique weapons and miscellaneous stores with multiple versions and delivery methods, ranging from rockets, bombs, to advanced air-to-ground missiles such as the command-guided RB-05A and the TV-guided RB-75 “Maverick” missiles.
Comprehensive 400+ page flight manual.
Extensive interactive & voiced training tutorials.
Several campaigns and missions including:
Caucasus campaign
Mini NTTR DACT campaign
Mini Caucasus introduction campaign.
Instant action and single player missions.
This is the product of several years of passion and dedication and we are happy to finally announce the aircraft. We hope you will have as fun learning and flying the aircraft as we have had recreating it.

The AJS-37 Development team,

Leatherneck Simulations.


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 30 Nov 2016, 02:26

Leatherneck nos confirma que el F-14 Tomcat se nos va a mediados / finales de 2017 en Hoggit. Aun asi, esperan que a principios del año que viene nos den mas información
Development is progressing very well, with a slight dip in production speed due to the impending Viggen release. Mid to late 2017 is looking very likely, but we’ll keep you well informed until then. A HUGE amount of FM and systems work has been developed in the background for this Aircraft, and we are really excited to show it all off starting very early next year.


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 02 Dic 2016, 16:17

Nueva campaña DLC oficial en desarrollo por 373vFS Greg para el UH-1H de nombre "ARGO"

"ARGO" DCS UH-1H SP Campaign - Upcoming DLC

DCS: World - Página 24 ARGO%20UH1H%20CAMPAIGN_zpslggupqoc

It is with great pleasure to announce that I am working on the release of an official DLC Campaign called "Argo", for the UH-1H module for TFC/ED in the upcoming months.
Work started some months ago and the aim is to build a realistic and demanding environment in which you will enjoy flying the Huey in its full capacity.

"Argo", is a story driven campaign consisting of you in the role of an experienced Greek UH-1H pilot with many years of service in the Hellenic Army Aviation.
Recently you and a number of active Huey pilots were transferred in the Hellenic Navy.

The campaign starts on July 2017. NATO Exercise “Sea Breeze” is taking place once more in the Black Sea. This year, Georgia’s Batumi port is being used as a base for all the allied naval forces.
The countries that participate in the exercise are Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Italy, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Sweden, Ukraine, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

One year after the US-led coalition’s operations in Iraq’s city of Mosul, Georgia accepted a large wave of refugees arriving through Turkey.
NATO wanted to show its support by conducting the exercise in Georgian Territory.

For the needs of “Sea Breeze” exercise, Hellenic Navy's frigate ARGO FFG-46, sailed towards Batumi in order to provide support to the NATO Fleet and the rest of the Greek Forces.

Recently Greece successfully negotiated with the United States Government, about a military partially funded assistance program, which included the purchase of 4x retired Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigates of the US Navy.
The frigates were modernized last year with new Radar & Phalanx systems to get ready for foreign sales.

You and your UH-1H were assigned to the new Hellenic Navy Frigate ARGO FFG-46 which was previously known as USS Rentz (FFG-46).
The frigate is still operating under US flag until its crew completes its training to the new weapon systems.

Your Huey is getting refueled and ready for the exercise.

More details will follow as work continues. I hope you like the concept and will enjoy the missions once ready.



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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 02 Dic 2016, 17:05

Belsimtek pone en release el Mi-8MTv2
You can purchase DCS: Mi-8MTV2 module here

We are glad to announce, that by the end of November 2016 we will be ready to change DCS: Mi-8MTV2Magnificent Eight status from “early access” to “release”!

Among the others fixes and additions in DCS: Mi-8MTV2, we added a possibility to use AI door and rear gunners (Door gunned with “KORD” 12.7 mm machine gun and rear gunner with PKT machine gun 7.62 mm), ability to play as door gunner. Sling-load operations gameplay was thoroughly upgraded and fixed. Pilot’s guide manual was dramatically reworked: systems principles and operations described in depth, all procedures from startup to weapon employment thoroughly illustrated. New campaign from 3rd party developer will be available soon after release state of module.

Development of DCS: Mi-8MTV2 was started in first quarter of 2013 by Belsimtek. For various reasons we couldn’t finish module development to “release” state (our internal quality control was the reason).

A lot of things were fixed and added since we released module to early access.

Here are the main changes which were made for this period:

Fixed and added helicopter systems, 32 additions in sum, diary of fixes for systems can be found in news about this module:
RU –
EN –
Destructive overload was fine-tuned (gear break possibility, tail rotor breakaway), gear friction, damage system from projectiles hits tuned, crew cabin armor implemented.
Cockpit sound was tuned and fixed according to real Mi-8 pilots feedback.
Sling-load gameplay upgraded: new loads were added ( 8 so far, more to come with updates) with their dynamics tuned, sling damage upon contact with helicopter implemented, crew chief sling-load operation voice commands added.
AI door and rear gunners added ( Door gunned with “KORD” 12.7 mm machine gun and rear gunner with PKT machine gun 7.62 mm), with ability to play as door gunner. Different predefined settings for combined TrackIR and mouse interactions for view and machine gun controls were added.
Gun Camera added.
Special options for module were changed, including addition of joystick without springs and FFB option.
Pilot’s guide was reworked, every procedure illustrated, systems descriptions added (including frequently asked questions on forums), typos and inaccuracies fixed (guide colume increased by 100%).
Before “Release” status our Mi-8 was highly praised by our users: and we expect, that huge work which was done by our team and volunteers, who love this helicopter, will give you more fun and joy while you playing DCS: Mi-8MTV2, and maybe will help somebody in real life!

Belsimtek team.

Main features of DCS: Mi-8MTV2:

High precision professional flight model for all altitude, temperature, speed and loadouts ranges
6 DOF precise high fidelity cockpit
Cockpit is interactive and mouse clickable
Weapon system modeled with different loadouts
Different helicopter systems precisely modeled: electrical, fuel, hydraulics, anti-ice, anti-fire, radio and stability augmentation systems (AP-34B)
Authentic liveries
Tutorial missions and single player missions
Full and short manuals on Russian and English languages
Single player campaign from Belsimtek, DLC campaigns from 3rd parties
You can read about helicopter and its systems and weapons employment in our Pilot’s flight manual for free.

Nuevo manual de pilotaje:


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 02 Dic 2016, 17:39

Nuevos cohetes Hydra 70 para el LAU-260 (Bo-105 coreano) por Oliver.
Hydra 70 for the LAU260 (KOREAN R.O.K. BO-105) done.

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 02 Dic 2016, 18:08

Actualización semanal del 2 de Diciembre.
DCS: World 1.5.5 Beta 1, Release del Mi-8MTv2 y ofertas de promoción, Belsimtek F-5E en Steam y politica de sitios de compra de claves validas de DCS: World.

Changelog 1.5.5 Update 1
DCS Update 1

DCS Mi-8MTV2 goes to official release status

DCS World
PAI: AI refueling check collision optimisation, multi-hose tanker flow fix, AI-client position fix
PAI : Kutaisi. Collision on taxiing fixed
The void onboard numbers in the custom skins has been fixed
Manpad units will produce script SHOT event
VR crash for SFM planes fixed
The smoke trail effects (leaks, smoke-generators, missile trails) corrected
Missile trail will not suddenly disappears on some distance
Mission generator. The error when China Su-27 is selected has been fixed
The aircraft laser designator will not pass through buildings and missiles will not aim to laser spot behind the illuminated building
Merkava 4. Machineguns' ammunition amount corrected
Fix of the script error when aerobatic task selected in triggered actions panel
MiG-29. The weapons will not hang in air when corresponding wing with pylons is lost
DoF is off for VR devices
Su-27: Engine RPM in the engine stalls condition corrected
Camera will attached to pilot after ejection in any case
MP. The free camera of dead pilot will not be able to move to anywhere if the free camera is prohibited on the server

DCS Hawk by VEAO
AHRS failure on re-spawn fixed.
HYD2 pressure loss on re-spawn fixed.
Keyboard pitch control now auto re-centers preventing HYD bleed during flight.
Liveries: “Finland HW-329 Green Brown” added to country Finland
Liveries: “Finland HW-341 Grey” made more matte and wrong liveries name fixed (was “HW-373 Grey” instead of “HW-341 Grey”)
Swiss textures being black in F1 and F2 view fixed.

Fixed radio indicator showing "---.--" when radio powered off
Updated mil-power engine performance
Updated airfoil tables for more correct sustained turn rate
Updated damage configuration
Added DDM Equipment
Added Caucasus Campaign (1.5.5 only)
Added Caucasus Training Missions (1.5.5 only)
Added CMD Program Edit
Added BLG-66 Belouga cluster bomb
Removed MK-20 Rockeye cluster bomb

DCS Fw 190 D-9
Pilot model in cockpit is able to be disabled
Decreasing of fuel quantity via rearm/refuel dialog will not affect MW50 tank
Inverted keyboard commands for reticle brightness control

Second AIM-9 missile will have a seeker indication on HUD
Simplified Radio is restored

Sling-load gameplay upgraded: new loads were added ( 8 so far, more to come with updates) with their dynamics tuned, sling damage upon contact with helicopter implemented, crew chief sling-load operation voice commands added.
Released model of rope damage with helicopter
Released model of cargos damage with world objects
AI door and rear gunners added ( Door gunned with “KORD” 12.7 mm machine gun and rear gunner with PKT machine gun 7.62 mm), with ability to play as door gunner. Different predefined settings for combined TrackIR and mouse interactions for view and machine gun controls were added.
if in addition to existing input devices (keyboard, mouse, joysticks) there is a head tracking device (TrackIR), views and gun can be controlled in three different ways without the need for self settings by user
Reworked helicopter dynamic according to taken damage or systems failures (tail rotor fails dynamic, tail breakaway, tail rotor transmission fin damage);
Destructive overload was fine-tuned (gear break possibility, tail rotor breakaway), gear friction, damage system from projectiles hits tuned, crew cabin armor implemented;
Armor function for crew was adjusted
Cockpit sound was tuned and fixed according to real Mi-8 pilots feedback;
Gun Camera added.
Special options for module were changed, including addition of joystick without springs and FFB option.
Random shift of vertical view due to airframe shake was fixed
Pilot’s guide was reworked, every procedure illustrated, systems descriptions added (including frequently asked questions on forums), typos and inaccuracies fixed (guide volume increased by 100%).

DCS Ka-50
ABRIS Search function will work
Restored chaff sound that was absent in some conditions

DCS L-39
Taxi and landing lights initialization at night hot start added

DCS Bf 109 K-4
Auto start sequence will not depend by radio start-up request if it was sent before

A-10C Piercing Fury Campaign. AI Chinook will land


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 05 Dic 2016, 19:13

Actualización semanal DCS: World 04 de Diciembre (en español)


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 09 Dic 2016, 16:33

DCS: World 1.5.5 Update 2 Changelog
DCS Update 2

Added support of the new “The Border” campaign for Mi-8MTV2 pilot by Armen.

DCS World
Ingame unit labels. Added possibility to adjust the color blending and opacity depending by distance. See \\Config\View\Labels.lua script.
Ingame unit labels. Labels will scale in VR.
Added Su-27 and MiG-29 to Kazakhstan and Belarus.
Belarus will use metric system by default.
MP. Fixed the chat switching by key-commands.
Mouse cursor will not disappear after multiplayer chat switching.
Mouse cursor will not be moved outside of DCS window when game window resolution less then desktop resolution.
Radio menu won’t be clickable while track replays.
Slingload cargo's net phantom drops through buildings rooftop fixed

DCS Bf 109 K-4
Wheel brake axis will use full volume of slider, not one half.

Fix: KORD vertical aiming
Fix: Tail boom damage at the beginning of the mission if setting in ME cold start w/o armor, hardpoint, fuel
Fix: Fast mission generator makes missions without weapons
Fix: Mission Editor, payloads preview: Mi-8 appears without half-doors
Tune: rotor cockpit sounds
Tune: Main rotor transmission fire occurrence process
Flight Manuals (RU/EN): Fix errors, added new bookmarks (on left panel)
Training missions: callsign changed to “Player”
Mi-8 and UH-1H campaigns: missions start in darkness fixed

Su-27. Rudder will works correctly at low and high speeds.

DCS L-39
Bingo fuel indicator will not continuously blinks after negative Gs.

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
New items not present in latest 2.0.4 version:
New realistic smoke system implemented.
IFR flight training hood implemented.
Added Controls Indicator Window.
Added working ADI in external view.
Fixed gear lever light.
Fixed warning sounds.
Items already present in latest 2.0.4 version:
Added provisional kneeboard with C-101EB checklist.
Finished rear cockpit fuel and engine panels.
Coded landing lights switches for rear cockpit.
Coded rear cockpit pitot heat korry button.
Fixed korry covers (now you need to open the cover to be able to click the korry).
Fixed batteries 50ºC temperature korry indication for rear cockpit.
TACAN X/Y channel have got click sound.
Rear cockpit emergency canopy lever coded.
Pitot heat and engine anti-ice systems will reset their state when power is lost.
TACAN control panel switches and Intercom TCN knobs are properly set up now at mission start.
Fixed animation for TACAN X/Y channel knob and indication.

Changed antenna elevation cursor position to relative to ARL.
Adjusted video knob influence on indication.


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Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Sáb 10 Dic 2016, 16:34

Leatherneck enseña su tecnologia de radar de tierra para el AJS-37 Viggen, que incluye detección de objetos por RCS (afectado por distancia, tamaño y encaramiento), interferencia al radar, mapeo de terreno y modo de evasión de terreno. Tambien parece haber implementado la interferencia electronica en buques.

One of the biggest, most difficult, and most important features of our AJS-37 Viggen simulation, has been the creation of a custom, physically accurate and performant ground mapping and targeting radar. Developing this technology has been a challenge for us, as finding the right balance between image fidelity, quality and CPU/GPU performance is quite tricky.

We'll spare you most of the technical details, but we managed to develop a combined, CPU/GPU based solution that has virtually 0 impact on game performance, regardless of your radar range setting.
This has been a really great breakthrough for us, as we can now continue to develop our technology, and even apply it in non-ground mapping radars, such as the F-14.
As you all know, a skilled operator could make all the difference in reading the raw radar scope of the F-14-- and we want to make sure that that is accurately represented.

It's really the same in the Viggen, and almost every major/important system in the aircraft has some relation to the PS-37/A radar.
In order to become a proficient Viggen pilot, you’ll have to learn to read the radar screen (which is actually not quite that easy!) - and then apply the information gathered to your flying and navigation.

Enjoy some quick screenshots and descriptions below- we’ll certainly dive deeper into the radar before release as there is a lot to cover!
Expect to do a lot of reading in the manual too. Smile

In this first set of images, we are tracking a convoy of ships, located almost directly in front of us. These are large, cargo ships and cruisers, so their radar return is fairly hefty.

For the PS-37/A, we've implemented a basic RCS simulation for all ship classes.
This means that bigger ships will appear more prominently on the radar screen.
However, something like ship direction has an almost equally large impact on how much radar energy is returned. Direction, speed, radar settings, and ship class, will all combine to determine how prominent a radar return actually is.

In the first image, the convoy of ships are traveling perpendicular to our Viggen.
In the second, we're approaching the group from the rear. Note the difference in radar return strength.

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Here is a similar example, of two Admiral Kuznetsov carriers, placed next to eachother.
The one on the left is facing almost perpedincular to our Viggen, while the right one is facing towards us.
Of course, the difference in RCS is more noticeable with smaller vessels.

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We've also spent some time implementing realistic jamming patterns and filters. Larger classes of ships and other units are capable of jamming.

A number of filters are used to try and filter the data, and to improve the readability of the image. Here is an example of three ships jamming our Viggen.

DCS: World - Página 24 05_FULL

Of course, one of the main purposes of the Viggen ground radar, is to actually map the terrain!
Terrain mapping is achieved by real raycasts, and reflection strength is dependent on the reflection material.
Meaning, concrete, grass, forest, rivers and other bodies of water are well contrasted and represented on the radar screen.

Ground vehicles will be visible, however mostly so when they are bunched together. Don't expect something akin to an F-15E ground mapping radar. Smile

Here is a quick example of a river and a few fields/forests, as well as the Anapa area. There is a destroyer off the coast in the second image.

DCS: World - Página 24 06_FULLDCS: World - Página 24 07_FULL

One of the more useful features of the ground mapping radar, is the Terrain Avoidance mode.

The terrain avoidance mode is designed to allow flight at low altitudes in poor visibility. On engaging the mode, the radar antennae will be set to 0 degrees relative to the horizn, and the antennae beam will be narrow in altitude. This results in the radar only displaying radar returns at the same altitude as the aircraft.

In this first image... I'm about to die...

DCS: World - Página 24 08_FULL

In these two images, you can see the difference between the regular mapping mode (note the clear areas, due to radar beam occlusion) -- and the terrain avoidance mode, which gives us a much clearer image of where we are, and what the heck we're supposed to do.

DCS: World - Página 24 09_FULL DCS: World - Página 24 10_FULL

There's a lot more to show than this-- as the radar is very closely integrated with various weapons systems, navigation, landing markers, and all that fun stuff! So stay tuned! Smile

Don't forget to tune in later today for the MIG-21 / F-5 / AJS-37 LIVE grudgematch on twitch at the link below!

The AJS-37 Viggen will be making its' live combat debut. Hope to see you there!

Many thanks for your support!



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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 12 Dic 2016, 03:00

Informe semanal del 5 al 11 de diciembre de DCS: World


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 16 Dic 2016, 20:52

Video de despegue, circuito y aterrizaje del Spirfire Mk.IX

Video de presentación del Spitfire Mk.IX (con Normandia WW2 y DCS: World 2.5)


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 18 Dic 2016, 17:10

Arranque, taxi y despegue del AJS-37 Viggen por Leatherneck (el segundo video es sin la voz)
Hey Everyone,

We put together a short startup, taxi and takeoff video for you guys.

For the purists, and those who cannot stand by blabbering (i cant blame you) -- the second one is without VO. Smile


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Jue 22 Dic 2016, 17:53

A ED se le acaba de flitrar el video del AJS-37 (es el mismo de Leatherneck).

Según la descripción del video, la precompra empieza mañana 23 de diciembre y la salida el 27 de enero de 2017


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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 23 Dic 2016, 13:58

DCS: World 1.5.5 Update 4 Disponible

DCS Update 4

DCS World
Mi-8, UH-1 The smoke in the unloading area restored
F10 Radio addCommandForGroup using script will works now
Trigger rule "Part of Group in Zone" for human aircraft restored

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
No smoke while weight-on-wheels signal is sensed.
Fixed smoke system reinit on weapon rearm.
Added quantity accounting to the Smoke System. Unlimited smoke capacity is set when the 'Unlimited weapons' option is active.
Smoke system messages to user were added when 'Easy avionics' option is active.
Fixed some labels and indicating arrows of consoles and instruments lights panels.
Fixed consoles textures.
Fixed magnetic compass light switch.
Added IFR hood keyboard/joystick command.
Added functionality for the rear cockpit 'console lights' and 'instrument and storm lights' circuit breakers.
N1, N2 and ITT digital displays brightness is controlled by 'Instruments' knob now.
N1, N2, ITT and HSI bearing/range and VHF frequency digital displays now have minimum brigthness of 0.5 instead of 0.
UHF frequency display FREQ/TEST switch have got 3 positions with TEST position spring loaded. Middle position works like previous FREQ position, and FREQ position always displays frequency disregarding UHF frequency mode knob position.
Fixed ADI, it now shows the 20º of bank mark that was missing.

DCS M-2000C
Kneeboard: Radio preset page.
Added independent animation for left/right main wheel.
Fixed relaxed stability issue.
Cockpit model update to fix small bleeding bug.
Added Campaign missions documentation folder in Docs.
Added broken pieces models for left and right wings.

DCS L-39
Fixed Pitot heating

DCS Spitfire IX
Rearm fixed
Gunsight smoked glass corrected
Stick animation corrected
Changed rate of rewards from 40 to 20 points

VOR and ILS localizer bar fixed

Lights will not enabled at the cold aircraft start

Bf 109 K-4
Artificial horizon and compass fixed


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 28 Dic 2016, 14:50

DCS: World 1.5.5 Update 5 disponible
Short update. Last in this year.

DCS Update 5
Triggers. Group is dead rule will working for air units
The Piercing Fury Campaign. AI wingmen will starting up on mission 6.
Fixed bug that caused issue with Su-33 take off from ship if F-5 present in mission.
The smoke trail density for some missiles increased.
The Ka-50 Republic campaign. Corrected rules of success in the mission 8.
Su-27 The Ultimate argument campaign. The tasks of AI Su-25 flight in the mission 3 tuned.

Happy New Year to all!


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 24 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Jue 29 Dic 2016, 18:24

LCM por Racoon para Normandia WW2
DCS: World - Página 24 15723616_1352773054744579_5893019867501579190_o
DCS: World - Página 24 15732119_1352773051411246_4048499368527052799_o

puede ser que para el 30 de diciembre, haya un anuncio en el Newsletter de DCS: World sobre WW2


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 24 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 01 Ene 2017, 23:29

DCS World Actualización semanal 01 Enero 2017 (en español)


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 24 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 16 Ene 2017, 02:44

DCS World Actualización semanal 15 Enero 2017 (en español)


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 24 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 18 Ene 2017, 02:33

Misión CAS por Wags en el AJS-37 Viggen de Leatherneck


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 24 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 23 Ene 2017, 02:14

DCS World Actualización semanal 22 Enero 2017 (en español)


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 24 Empty Re: DCS: World

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Contenido patrocinado

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