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DCS: World

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 09 Oct 2016, 16:42

Recopilación de noticias de DCS: World del 09 de Octubre.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Mar 11 Oct 2016, 23:44

Por Wags..... A una preguna de si podia hacer streams, ha respondido que está liado con el manual y los sistemas del F/A-18C con los expertos en la materia (dos pilotos de F/A-18 y varios ingenieros).
I'd love to but I'm neck deep in the Hornet manual and systems implementation with the SMEs (we have two Hornet pilots that also play DCS) and engineers.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 16 Oct 2016, 21:46

Update semanal DCS: World 16 Octubre


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 19 Oct 2016, 15:56

Video Teaser sesentero en VHS del AJS-37 Viggen de Leatherneck XD XD XD


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 23 Oct 2016, 19:16

Update semanal DCS: World, 23 Octubre


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 30 Oct 2016, 12:56

Segundo teaser del AJS-37 Viggen por Leatherneck, Ghosts and Thunder

Al final del video, se muestra información sobre una transmisión por twich de LN (28/11 20:00 CET)


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 30 Oct 2016, 15:03

Por oliver (Polychop Team)
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Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 30 Oct 2016, 23:35

Actualización semanal de DCS: World 30 de octubre.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 31 Oct 2016, 15:02

Reconstrucción total por parte de VEAO del Bae Hawk T.1 (primeras imagenes de la cabina trasera, con ayuda de ED).
Hi all.
It's very rare that I post in the forums but now I feel compelled to tell you of the background behind the exciting developments coming to the Hawk version 2.

The thing is Ells is a modest chap so you won't know the amount of work he puts into rectifying the Hawk and how much he cares about the product.

The pressure is really on VEAO at the moment with the imminent release of the P40f and, as a result, Pman and his teams are working flat out on producing, what I believe, will be a fantastic warbird in every sense. But there has been little resource left for our little Hawk.

However Ells and I have been secretly working on this new update for the last few weeks and I have to say it has been an absolute pleasure to watch and learn. From working with 3D models to understanding program structure and module coding Ells has worked tirelessly and as a result we can bring to you now a major update to the Hawk.

So what's the big deal.....

Well right from the beginning Ells has always wanted to have 2 seat capability in the Hawk but we have always hit problems when we tried to implement it. The final straw was when the L39 came out and we realised that we would have to rewrite the entire Hawk code as (learning from the L39) ED coding required separate instances of clickable j based on seat occupied. Our Hawk was coded such that all cockpit switches were available from either seat. This meant in practice that you may be able to mouse over and click on forward cockpit switches from the rear seat through the front ejection seat. Clearly undesirable . This lead Ells to reluctantly announce that the rear cockpit would not be available until after a complete code rewrite.

Then we had a eureka moment.

We found that, buried in the code, there was a maximum distance which, once exceeded you would no longer be able to operate a switch with the mouse. The rear cockpit was again viable!

Many thanks to Alex at ED for his help in uncovering this and many other programming functions in DCS world

Now it was dark back there in the rear. Half the gauges didn't work properly, no lighting, misplaced 3D objects and no inter connectivity with the front cockpit. The weapons panel had to report and indicate switch selections in the front and we couldn't get the rear head position to work correctly. All in all we produced a list of over 25 project stopping bugs which, as mentioned earlier, Ells enthusiastically worked through, with me, to the end result that I can now tell you that we have single player rear seat capability in the Hawk and the view is great from back there!

If you're using track i/r or VR you can look round the front ejector seat and see everything functioning correctly in the front and the elevated seat position is great for take off and landing. You can even map a joystick function to swap seats on the fly for the best of both worlds.

Whilst working on the rear seat we also took the time to rectify and energise some of the systems that were non functional in Hawk version 1. We now have working brake pressure gauges and transponder functionality anyway, Ells will let you know the full list of upgrades in due course.

I was very fortunate to be given by a friend of mine, who used to fly the Hawk, an original Hawk t1 ,hard bound, flight manual and checklist, including hand written notes. I've scanned the checklists and emergency checklist into the kneeboard so that now, when you fly, you'll be using the actual checklist that's travelled at 400Kts through the valleys many times in the real Hawk. It's a testament to the ASM coding by The team that the checklist works very well with our Hawk.

That's it from me. I'm sure you'll hear a lot more from the guys about further improvements to the Hawk in future including new textures and multiplayer capability etc etc. But, as I said at the beginning, Ells is a modest chap and I just wanted to convey the excitement and pleasure, I've seen in him bringing, to you, something ,I know, he's wanted you to have all along........ Enjoy.

Mas imagenes de la cabina trasera.
DCS: World - Página 23 Screen_161020_151328
DCS: World - Página 23 Screen_161025_131100
DCS: World - Página 23 Screen_161027_193635
DCS: World - Página 23 Screen_161028_140200


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 02 Nov 2016, 00:40

Luces mejoradas en camino para NTTR Nevada (2.0).
Work-in-progress examples of improved lighting coming to the NTTR map.
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Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 02 Nov 2016, 15:12

Video de VEAO mostrando la funcionalidad de la cabina trasera del Bae Hawk T.1


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 02 Nov 2016, 17:11

Cartas de referencia en vuelo para VEAO: Hawk en el proximo parche.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 02 Nov 2016, 23:16

Nuevas imangenes del VEAO Spitfire Mk XIV
Hi Folks, time for a short update!

I've been absolutely chomping at the bit to show you a few screenshots of how the Mk XIV is progressing and today I finally can (...Pman!) The Spit XIV is easily my favourite project and I've been steadily chipping away over the last few months trying to get her as close as possible.

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Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Jue 03 Nov 2016, 18:33

DCS: World 1.5.5 Beta en camino
New version DCS 1.5.5 will be soon in Open Beta.

DCS World
Introduced User marks on the F10 map view.
ME. Attack point circle on the map restored
Debriefing. The duplicate tasks and aircraft names in the General Debriefing Data will be filtered
Added clickable radio-menu
AI UH-1H will not able to fly with broken tail rotor
MP. Added keyboard shortcut (F5) to refresh a list of servers in the lobby
MP. Lobby. The task column was replaced with an airfield column.
MP. Fixed bug that causes a no restriction movement of F11 view after ESC pressing
Simulation ESC menu. Added Audio Option panel button
Simulation ESC menu. Added Quit to Desktop button
Crash when trying to take control (jump into) of AI helicopter with vertical velocity more than 2 m/s has been corrected
Mission Generator. GUI Error when trying to change the starting position of vehicle company has been fixed
MP. Player kick button will visible only on server
The LOD of destroyed Kamaz-43101 model has been fixed
Net: increased default timeouts to 300 seconds
Network protocol changed (version 1.5.5 incompatible with 1.5.4)

Su-33: Autopilot mode indication will work
Su-33. Digital fuel indicator repaired
Su-25T. Engine sound will not disappear in cockpit when RPM<36% and RPM>98%
F-15C. The override possibility of TWS 30 degree scan to 60 degree scan has been eliminated
F-15C. TDC will not be slewed by mouse to outside the scan zone
Su-27. Incorrect indication of fuel quantity when starting in air has been fixed
Su-27. Flight control system with AOA and G-limiter has been adjusted
Su-27. Autopilot has been adjusted
Su-27. Tires strength has been adjusted

Steerpoint marker on HUD will not floating
The parasitic elements of external 3D model were removed from cockpit
Fixed click sound for some cockpit switches
UHF radio tone sound will not heard without electrical power
A-10C Piercing Fury Campaign. Corrected C-130 behaviour in the mission 2.

DCS Hawk by VEAO
Aden gun pod fire and ejector positions updated.
Brake pressure gauges now functional.
Transponder panel now active (for future functionality).
Gun and stores stick flaps animated correctly.
External textures optimized.
Kneeboard updated for authentic Hawk checklists.
Rear seat switching implemented for single player including functionality:
Press 2 and 1 to switch cockpits (can also assign to joystick).
Click spots updated for rear seat functionality.
Flap and gear control (clickable and joystick) implemented, including emergency flap and gear.
Flap and gear indicators functional.
Hydraulics and brake pressure gauges implemented.
Parking brake, Anti-Skid, Oxygen switch and AC/DC buttons all implemented.
HSI, Standby ADI, DGI and pressure settings switches, buttons and knobs functionality implemented.
All rear cockpit dash gauges implemented.
HSI Tacan / ILS navigation and glideslope functions implemented.
Beacon light and test implemented.
Accelerometer reset implemented.
CWP indicators functional including test switch.
Attention light reset switches implemented.
Land/Taxi light switch implemented.
Cockpit lighting switches, including dimmers, implemented.
Cockpit lighting WIP for FPS improvements.
CCS box implemented; VHF/UHF/ILS/Tacan (tune radios in front cockpit).
Canopy locking lever and safety catch implemented. Note: there is no grab handle in the back, press LCtrl+C to close or front cockpit grab handle).
Engine start / re-light sequence implemented. You can start the jet from the back but some switches in front need to be set (Ignition, Battery, LP Fuel Cock and Fuel Pump).
Weapons indicator panel functional and tied to front cockpit switch functionality (indicator lights show what has been set in the front).
Weapon override switch functional (set to override to disable firing of weapons).
Weapon jettison button functional.
Multi-Crew. Ability to ride-along in the rear seat in Player 2 slot on multi-player servers.

DCS L-39
Anti-ice system switch will be OFF at cold start
ADI failure lamp will lit when AC power is missing
Corrected latitude value on GMK-1
Cockpits sounds will depend of corresponding canopy state, forward cockpit by forward canopy and rear cockpit by rear canopy.
Emergency generator extension will be visible on net phantoms.

Inverted spin has been simulated.
UHF Radio - Hinged Access Door will be opened.
AIM-9 tone will not be heard if both wingtips gone off.
Landing gear audible warning will be heard when warning test switch enabled.
TACAN channel selector animation corrected.
Fixed RWR sound issues with new contacts.
Wing bend and twist due to G-loads has been corrected.
Changing TACAN channel will not interrupt current radio chat.
Input: Added some axis commands for TDC, rudder trim, lights etc.
With the start in the air the F-5E will be trimmed on the assigned speed like it is implemented for all other aircraft.
Aileron limiter now disabled at cold start.
Single player missions added.
Added inert and training stores.
Added wing damage with high G overload
Drag chute can not be fully deployed without any airstream
Drag chute model corrected

External F2 camera will do not zooming out on certain angles
The missing a pilot's skin fragments were restored
Side machineguns control by TrackIR and mouse has been refactored
‘Hot start’ fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer
Search and landing lights will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer

DCS Black Shark
Fire exhaust effect for Ka-50's APU has been added
Searchlight will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer

DCS F-86
Fixed incorrect effect of flap deflection on pitching moment

Taxi & landing lights will enabled when hot start on ground at night
APU exhaust fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
Fuel reset knob animation was inverted.
DRM button added to Module Manager.
Reworked EB stall system test and indication (AOA/STALL warning light will now lit only when stall system is OFF or when the system is in test. Normal system operation, when AOA is over limit - pedals vibration and sound. RESET/OFF/TEST switch was made springloaded for both positions).
Implemented rear cockpit Korry buttons (ESS bus transfer, L/R battery isolate, Emergency aileron disconnect).
Added the following clickability/indication in rear cockpit: GPU korry button, fuel tanks red/green flags, fuel quantity indicator, fuel panel korry buttons, ignition light test, engine computer and engine antiice korry buttons.
Fixed cockpit mechanism.
Removed -1000 ft limit for altimeters.
Reworked ejection seat model and labels.
Updated autostart sequence.
Fixed and finished all cockpit texture.
Now GPU can only be connected by using radio menu, deleted its keyboard function.
Re-saved Quick Start and Single Caucasus missions to avoid hang on restart.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Jue 03 Nov 2016, 19:04

Precompra del Spirtfire MkIX disponible
DCS: World - Página 23 DCS_Spitfire_Mk.IX_700x1000
The British Spitfire is one of the most iconic fighter aircraft of World War II. Most famous for its role in the Battle of Britain, the Spitfire served as Britain's primary fighter during the entirety of the war. The Spitfire combines graceful lines, eye-watering dogfight performance, and heavy firepower in its later variants. For DCS World, we are happy to bring you the most accurate and realistic simulation of the Spitfire LF Mk IX ever created.

The Spitfire Mk IX was originally developed as a stopgap measure as a response to the appearance of the Focke-Wulf FW 190A.

The Spitfire IX is powered by the Merlin 66. This engine produces its best performance at slightly lower altitudes than the older Merlin 61. Spitfires equipped with this engine were designated LF Mk IX. This was the most numerous version of the Mk IX, with 4,010 produced. The majority of Mk IXs of all types used the standard "c" wing, which would often carry two 20mm cannon and four .303in machine guns.

The Mk IX was a significant improvement on the Mk V. It had a top speed of 409 mph at 28,000 feet, an increase of 40 miles per hour. Its service ceiling rose from 36,200 feet to 43,000 feet. It could climb at 4,000 feet per minute. In July 1942, an early Mk IX was flown against a captured Fw 190A, and the two aircraft were discovered to have very similar capabilities. The RAF had its answer to the Fw 190 problem.

The Mk IX replaced the Mk V from June 1942. It allowed the RAF to go back onto the offensive in occupied Europe, and resume the "circus", "ramrod" and "rodeo" raids. Its first combat success came on 30 July 1942, when a Spitfire Mk IX shot down a Fw 190. Amongst other notable achievements, the Mk IX took part in the highest altitude combat of the Second World War, when it intercepted a Ju 86R at 43,000 feet over Southampton on 12 September 1942. On 5 October 1944 Spitfire Mk IXs of 401 Squadron were the first allied aircraft to shoot down an Me 262 Jet. The Mk IX remained in service until the end of the war, even after the appearance of the Griffon powered Mk XIV.

Key Features of DCS: Spitfire LF Mk IX

Unmatched flight physics that allow you to truly feel what it's like to fly this legend
Highly detailed, six-degrees-of-freedom (6 DOF) cockpit
Interact with cockpit controls with your mouse
Accurate Spitfire LF Mk IX model, squadron markings, and weapons
Detailed modelling the Spitfire LF Mk IX instruments, weapons, engine, radios, fuel, and electrical systems
Fly along with fellow P-51D Mustangs as you battle Fw 190 D-9s and Bf 109 K4s in single and multiplayer games
Instant Action and Single Missions
Interactive training missions
Campaign (for final release)
Selectable wing option of elliptical or cropped end (for final release)

Minimum system requirements: OS 64-bit Windows 7/8/10; DirectX11; CPU: Core i3; RAM: 8 GB; Free hard disk space: 30 GB; Video: 2 GB RAM card, DirectX11 - compatible; requires internet activation.

Recommended system requirements: OS 64-bit Windows 7/8/10; DirectX11; CPU: Core i5+; RAM: 16GB; Hard disk space: 30 GB; Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX780 / ATI R9 290 DirectX11 or better; Joystick; requires internet activation.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 04 Nov 2016, 16:58

DCS Open Beta disponible (el changelog ha sido actualizado con respecto al puesto el dia de ayer). Se incluye una lista de los problemas conocidos.
New version DCS is in Open Beta.

DCS World
Introduced user Tactical Marks on the F10 map view.
ME. Attack point circle on the map restored
Debriefing. The duplicate tasks and aircraft names in the General Debriefing Data will be filtered
Added clickable radio-menu
AI UH-1H will not able to fly with broken tail rotor
IL-78 refueling pod lights: functionality added
Fixed visibility some map objects through haze
The LOD of destroyed Kamaz-43101 model has been fixed
Simulation ESC menu. Added Audio Option panel button
Simulation ESC menu. Added Quit to Desktop button
Crash when trying to take control (jump into) of AI helicopter with vertical velocity more than 2 m/s has been corrected
Mission Generator. GUI Error when trying to change the starting position of vehicle company has been fixed
MP. Added keyboard shortcut (F5) to refresh a list of servers in the lobby
MP. Lobby. The task column was replaced with an airfield column.
MP. Fixed bug that causes a no restriction movement of F11 view after ESC pressing
MP. Player kick button will visible only on server
MP: increased default timeouts to 300 seconds
Network protocol changed (version 1.5.5 incompatible with 1.5.4)

Su-33: Autopilot mode indication will work
Su-33. Digital fuel indicator repaired
Su-25T. Engine sound will not disappear in cockpit when RPM<36% and RPM>98%
F-15C. The override possibility of TWS 30 degree scan to 60 degree scan has been eliminated
F-15C. TDC will not be slewed by mouse to outside the scan zone
Su-27. Incorrect indication of fuel quantity when starting in air has been fixed
Su-27. Flight control system with AOA and G-limiter has been adjusted
Su-27. Autopilot has been adjusted
Su-27. Tires strength has been adjusted

Steerpoint marker on HUD will not floating
The parasitic elements of external 3D model were removed from cockpit
Fixed click sound for some cockpit switches
UHF radio tone sound will not heard without electrical power
A-10C Piercing Fury Campaign. Corrected C-130 behaviour in the mission 2.

DCS Hawk by VEAO
Aden gun pod fire and ejector positions updated.
Brake pressure gauges now functional.
Transponder panel now active (for future functionality).
Gun and stores stick flaps animated correctly.
External textures optimized.
Kneeboard updated for authentic Hawk checklists.
Rear seat switching implemented for single player including functionality:
Press 2 and 1 to switch cockpits (can also assign to joystick).
Click spots updated for rear seat functionality.
Flap and gear control (clickable and joystick) implemented, including emergency flap and gear.
Flap and gear indicators functional.
Hydraulics and brake pressure gauges implemented.
Parking brake, Anti-Skid, Oxygen switch and AC/DC buttons all implemented.
HSI, Standby ADI, DGI and pressure settings switches, buttons and knobs functionality implemented.
All rear cockpit dash gauges implemented.
HSI Tacan / ILS navigation and glideslope functions implemented.
Beacon light and test implemented.
Accelerometer reset implemented.
CWP indicators functional including test switch.
Attention light reset switches implemented.
Land/Taxi light switch implemented.
Cockpit lighting switches, including dimmers, implemented.
Cockpit lighting WIP for FPS improvements.
CCS box implemented; VHF/UHF/ILS/Tacan (tune radios in front cockpit).
Canopy locking lever and safety catch implemented. Note: there is no grab handle in the back, press LCtrl+C to close or front cockpit grab handle).
Engine start / re-light sequence implemented. You can start the jet from the back but some switches in front need to be set (Ignition, Battery, LP Fuel Cock and Fuel Pump).
Weapons indicator panel functional and tied to front cockpit switch functionality (indicator lights show what has been set in the front).
Weapon override switch functional (set to override to disable firing of weapons).
Weapon jettison button functional.
Multi-Crew. Ability to ride-along in the rear seat in Player 2 slot on multi-player servers.

DCS L-39
Anti-ice system switch will be OFF at cold start
ADI failure lamp will lit when AC power is missing
Corrected latitude value on GMK-1
Cockpits sounds will depend of corresponding canopy state, forward cockpit by forward canopy and rear cockpit by rear canopy.
Emergency generator extension will be visible on net phantoms.

Inverted spin has been simulated.
UHF Radio - Hinged Access Door will be opened.
AIM-9 tone will not be heard if both wingtips gone off.
Landing gear audible warning will be heard when warning test switch enabled.
TACAN channel selector animation corrected.
Fixed RWR sound issues with new contacts.
Wing bend and twist due to G-loads has been corrected.
Changing TACAN channel will not interrupt current radio chat.
Input: Added some axis commands for TDC, rudder trim, lights etc.
With the start in the air the F-5E will be trimmed on the assigned speed like it is implemented for all other aircraft.
Aileron limiter now disabled at cold start.
Single player missions added.
Added inert and training stores.
Added wing damage with high G overload
Drag chute can not be fully deployed without any airstream
Drag chute model corrected

External F2 camera will do not zooming out on certain angles
The missing a pilot's skin fragments were restored
Side machineguns control by TrackIR and mouse has been refactored
‘Hot start’ fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer
Search and landing lights will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer

DCS Black Shark
Fire exhaust effect for Ka-50's APU has been added
Searchlight will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer

DCS F-86
Fixed incorrect effect of flap deflection on pitching moment

Taxi & landing lights will enabled when hot start on ground at night
APU exhaust fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
Fuel reset knob animation was inverted.
DRM button added to Module Manager.
Reworked EB stall system test and indication (AOA/STALL warning light will now lit only when stall system is OFF or when the system is in test. Normal system operation, when AOA is over limit - pedals vibration and sound. RESET/OFF/TEST switch was made springloaded for both positions).
Implemented rear cockpit Korry buttons (ESS bus transfer, L/R battery isolate, Emergency aileron disconnect).
Added the following clickability/indication in rear cockpit: GPU korry button, fuel tanks red/green flags, fuel quantity indicator, fuel panel korry buttons, ignition light test, engine computer and engine antiice korry buttons.
Fixed cockpit mechanism.
Removed -1000 ft limit for altimeters.
Reworked ejection seat model and labels.
Updated autostart sequence.
Fixed and finished all cockpit texture.
Now GPU can only be connected by using radio menu, deleted its keyboard function.
Re-saved Quick Start and Single Caucasus missions to avoid hang on restart.
Fixed problem with the front cockpit being clickable from the rear one.
Fixed cockpit specular texture.
TACAN will work in all theaters now.
TACAN panel animation and clickability updated.
TACAN ID audio can be switched on/off now via intercom in the rear cockpit.
Terrain masking is correctly accounted now.
AA TACAN is functional now.
Test function was fixed, automatic self-test function was added (starts after 3 sec timeout, when TACAN station signal is lost). Test function can be interrupted by selecting another channel, or switching mode dial to another mode.
TACAN ranging function can be turned off by pulling TACAN DME circuit breaker.

Known major issues:
SA342 Gazelle module is not working in this Open Beta build.
Mouse cursor is visible on mission start in FC's cockpits
RadioCommandDialogPanel error when few MP client are in one group
L-39: RadioCommandDialogPanel error when MP client second time occupied the rear cockpit
Sometime manpad unit does not fire
User Tactical Mark doesn't cleared for new clients
Oculus: bottom buttons on multiplayer GUI are not clicable

Please be patient.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Dom 06 Nov 2016, 15:58

ED ha puesto en sus FAQs que las unicas claves legales de DCS World serán las vendidas por Steam y en la pagina de la tienda de Eagle Dinamics. Las claves de DCS World adquiridas en otras fuentes no son válidas, como intentar vender claves a otros usuarios.

El resto de sitios de compra, con Kinguin o CDExpress no tienen ningun tipo de soporte por parte de Eagle Dinamics, se deberán contactar con ellos para tener una devolución.
Invalid DCS World Keys purchased from other sources

Only DCS World keys purchased from the DCS World E-shop and Steam are valid and can be activated in the Module Manager.
Any DCS World keys purchased from other sources are invalid and are simply trying to re-sell keys that are bound to other users.
Such sites include Kinguin and CDExpress.

If you purchase such invalid DCS World keys from these sites, we cannot help you. We suggest you contact these sites for a refund.

ED trabaja en un sistema para dar regalos a otros usuarios.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 07 Nov 2016, 04:00

Informe semanal DCS: World 31 octubre - 6 noviembre.


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 14 Nov 2016, 01:43

Actualización semanal del 13 de Noviembre en DCS: World


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 18 Nov 2016, 14:39

Mas progresos del AV-8B Night Attack por RAZBAM

1st in-game pics of the AV-8B NA Harrier..steady as it goes
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Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Vie 18 Nov 2016, 15:23

Imagen en el Modelviewer de la cabina del AV-8B NA de RAZBAM
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Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Sáb 19 Nov 2016, 02:44

Changelog 2.0.4

DCS: NEVADA Test and Training Range Map - Extension Pack

Known issues: DCS Gazelle not working, will be fixed soon

DCS World
ME. Attack point circle on the map restored
Debriefing. The duplicate tasks and aircraft names in the General Debriefing Data will be filtered
Added clickable radio-menu
AI UH-1H will not able to fly with broken tail rotor
MP. Added keyboard shortcut (F5) to refresh a list of servers in the lobby
MP. Lobby. The task column was replaced with an airfield column.
MP. Fixed bug that causes a no restriction movement of F11 view after ESC pressing
Simulation ESC menu. Added Audio Option panel button
Simulation ESC menu. Added Quit to Desktop button
Crash when trying to take control (jump into) of AI helicopter with vertical velocity more than 2 m/s has been fixed
Mission Generator. GUI Error when trying to change the starting position of vehicle company has been fixed
MP. Player kick button will visible only on server
The LOD of destroyed Kamaz-43101 model has been fixed
MP. Increased default timeouts to 300 seconds
MP. Network protocol changed (version 2.0.4 incompatible with 2.0.3)
Added new 3D models: KRAZ truck and Merkava 4 MBT.
Il-78 tanker. Added lights animation to UPAZ refueling pod.
Playable aircraft will not explode when reach negative altitude
Bug causing some buildings invisible to client and host is fixed
AI wingman will not fly away from the map after tanker destruction
Name of airfields in the radio menu corrected
“On Shot” trigger will work with manpads

DCS Hawk T.1 by VEAO
Aden gun pod fire and ejector positions updated.
Brake pressure gauges now functional.
Transponder panel now active (for future functionality).
Gun and stores stick flaps animated correctly.
External textures optimized.
Kneeboard updated for authentic Hawk checklists (see install instructions in kneeboard folder).
New Nevada airfields and beacons for TACAN, VOR and ILS added.
Rear seat switching implemented for single player including functionality:
Press 2 and 1 to switch cockpits (can also assign to joystick).
Click spots updated for rear seat functionality.
Flap and gear control (clickable and joystick) implemented, including emergency flap and gear.
Flap and gear indicators functional.
Hydraulics and brake pressure gauges implemented.
Parking brake, Anti-Skid, Oxygen switch and AC/DC buttons all implemented.
HSI, Standby ADI, DGI and pressure settings switches, buttons and knobs functionality implemented.
All rear cockpit dash gauges implemented.
HSI Tacan / ILS navigation and glideslope functions implemented.
Beacon light and test implemented.
Accelerometer reset implemented.
CWP indicators functional including test switch.
Attention light reset switches implemented.
Land/Taxi light switch implemented.
Cockpit lighting switches, including dimmers, implemented.
Cockpit lighting WIP for FPS improvements.
CCS box implemented; VHF/UHF/ILS/Tacan (tune radios in front cockpit).
Canopy locking lever and safety catch implemented. Note: there is no grab handle in the back, press LCtrl+C to close or front cockpit grab handle).
Engine start / re-light sequence implemented. You can start the jet from the back but some switches in front need to be set (Ignition, Battery, LP Fuel Cock and Fuel Pump).
Weapons indicator panel functional and tied to front cockpit switch functionality (indicator lights show what has been set in the front).
Weapon override switch functional (set to override to disable firing of weapons).
Weapon jettison button functional.
Ability to ride-along in the rear seat in Player 2 slot on multi-player servers.
New night lighting implemented in both cockpits.

DCS Ka-50
Bug with ABRIS that Eastings coordinates off by 1 degree has been fixed
Animation of ejection sequence fixed
Parking brake fixed
Fire exhaust effect for Ka-50's APU has been added
Searchlight will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer

DCS L-39
Anti-ice system switch will be OFF at cold start
ADI failure lamp will lit when AC power is missing
Corrected latitude value on GMK-1
Cockpits sounds will depend of corresponding canopy state, forward cockpit by forward canopy and rear cockpit by rear canopy.
Emergency generator extension will be visible on net phantoms.
RadioCommandDialogPanel error when MP client second time occupied the rear cockpit has been fixed

Steerpoint marker on HUD will not floating
The parasitic elements of external 3D model were removed from cockpit
Fixed click sound for some cockpit switches
UHF radio tone sound will not heard without electrical power
TAD symbols will not disappearing
Second AIM-9 missile will have a seeker indication on HUD

Inverted spin has been simulated.
UHF Radio - Hinged Access Door will be opened.
AIM-9 tone will not be heard if both wingtips gone off.
Landing gear audible warning will be heard when warning test switch enabled.
TACAN channel selector animation corrected.
Fixed RWR sound issues with new contacts.
Wing bend and twist due to G-loads has been corrected.
Changing TACAN channel will not interrupt current radio chat.
Input: Added some axis commands for TDC, rudder trim, lights etc.
With the start in the air the F-5E will be trimmed on the assigned speed like it is implemented for all other aircraft.
Aileron limiter now disabled at cold start.
Single player missions added.
Added inert and training stores.
Added wing damage with high G overload.
Drag chute can not be fully deployed without any airstream.
Drag chute model corrected.
Fixed missing right wing light halo
Corrected training missions triggers (setting course).
Some corrections to Flight Manual
Added pilot to cockpit
Fixed fuel pressure lights simultaneously going off after single engine start
Fixed oxygen pressure gage showing 0 after turning off supply lever
Fixed chaff program execution when single flare is selected
Added IFF input commands

DCS F-86
Fixed incorrect effect of flap deflection on pitching moment

Su-33: Autopilot mode indication will work
Su-33. Digital fuel indicator repaired
Su-25T. Engine sound will not disappear in cockpit when RPM<36% and RPM>98%
F-15C. The override possibility of TWS 30 degree scan to 60 degree scan has been eliminated
F-15C. TDC will not be slewed by mouse to outside the scan zone
Su-27. Incorrect indication of fuel quantity when starting in air has been fixed
Su-27. Flight control system with AOA and G-limiter has been adjusted
Su-27. Autopilot has been adjusted
Su-27. Tires strength has been adjusted

DCS Fw 190 D-9
Pilot model in cockpit is able to be disabled
The decreasing of fuel via refueling dialog will not affect to MW50 quantity
Keyboard commands for reticle brightness control has been Inverted

Player's role changing will be reproduced in track
External F2 camera will do not zooming out on certain angles
The missing a pilot's skin fragments were restored
Side machineguns control by TrackIR and mouse has been refactored
‘Hot start’ fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer
Search and landing lights will be synchronized between clients in multiplayer

Autopilot yaw channel and pedals keyboard control has been reverted
Taxi & landing lights will enabled when hot start on ground at night
APU exhaust fire is now visible for other clients in multiplayer

DCS C-101 by AvioDev
New items not present in latest 1.5.5 version:
Added provisional kneeboard with C-101EB checklist.
Finished rear cockpit fuel and engine panels.
Coded landing lights switches for rear cockpit.
Coded rear cockpit pitot heat korry button.
Fixed korry covers (now you need to open the cover to be able to click the korry).
Fixed batteries 50ºC temperature korry indication for rear cockpit.
TACAN X/Y channel have got click sound.
Rear cockpit emergency canopy lever coded.
Pitot heat and engine anti-ice systems will reset their state when power is lost.
TACAN control panel switches and Intercom TCN knobs are properly set up now at mission start.
Fixed animation for TACAN X/Y channel knob and indication.

Items already present in latest 1.5.5 version:
Reworked EB stall system test and indication (AOA/STALL warning light will now lit only when stall system is OFF or when the system is in test. Normal system operation, when AOA is over limit - pedals vibration and sound. RESET/OFF/TEST switch was made spring-loaded for both positions).
Implemented rear cockpit Korry buttons (ESS bus transfer, L/R battery isolate, Emergency aileron disconnect).
Added the following clickability/indication in rear cockpit: GPU korry button, fuel tanks red/green flags, fuel quantity indicator, fuel panel korry buttons, ignition light test, engine computer and engine anti-ice korry buttons.
Fixed cockpit mechanism.
Removed -1000 ft limit for altimeters.
Reworked ejection seat model and labels.
Updated autostart sequence.
Fixed and finished all cockpit texture.
Now GPU can only be connected by using radio menu, deleted its keyboard function.
Fixed problem with the front cockpit being clickable from the rear one.
Fixed cockpit specular texture.
TACAN will work in all theaters now.
TACAN panel animation and clickability updated.
Terrain masking is correctly accounted now.
TACAN ID audio can be switched on/off now via intercom in the rear cockpit.
AA TACAN is functional now.
Test function was fixed, automatic self-test function was added (starts after 3 sec timeout, when TACAN station signal is lost). Test function can be interrupted by selecting another channel, or switching mode dial to another mode.
TACAN ranging function can be turned off by pulling TACAN DME circuit breaker.

DCS M-2000 by RAZBAM
PCA Lights.
TAS radar mode selection.
PCA mode selection.
CCIP TAS accuracy.
CCRP TAS accuracy.

Bug fixes:
safety paddles remain up for AI
Intercom fuel switch broken
Texture mapping issue (cockpit)
Document handler issue (cockpit)
"Boule" Pole position cold & dark: incorrect
"Boule" bank angle issue
Rockets (PPA) - problem with PAR
V/UHF Panel Issues
Dark Canopy fix for external model
Missing kneeboard texture on pilot's body model


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Lun 21 Nov 2016, 05:19

Actualización semanal del 14 al 20 de Noviembre


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Miér 23 Nov 2016, 20:20

Video de arranque del Spitfire Mk.IX en Normandia WW2


Mensajes : 624
Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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DCS: World - Página 23 Empty Re: DCS: World

Mensaje  Silver_Dragon Jue 24 Nov 2016, 14:03

Mas imagenes de desarrollo del RAZBAM AV-8B Night Attack, esta vez con la cabina 3D interna integrada en el simulador (sin funcionalidad aparente). Mas noticias pronto

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Fecha de inscripción : 12/07/2013

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