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Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12

3 participantes

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Mensaje  FW_Mess Jue 19 Ene 2012, 00:54

Screenshots from aerobatic formation flights at 30.12.11 and 14.01.12
Thanks for all for taking part, enjoy!

Also you can watch it on our or BC forum

30th of Dec, 2011
BC_Laguam, BC_Neveu, FW_Mess, Hgcheng, BC_Mostro

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 001nii

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 002qbo

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 003hm

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 004cra

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 005fma

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 006ihv

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 007ndb

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 008krc

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 009efh

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 010tp

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 011ji

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 012cz

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 013ai

-=AR=-SadMan, FW_Mess, BC_Laguam, BC_Neveu, Hgcheng, F22-Raptor-2006

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 014beq

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 015oi

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 016gy

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 017jv

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 018bnz

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 019sh

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 020ovx

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 021xs

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 022wfd

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 023bp

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 024zb

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 025pck

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 026zr

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 027mi

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 028gh

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 029peo

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 030yp

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 031nyr

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 032nez

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 033wtf

14th of Jan, 2012
GBA_Angel, GBA_Msecka, FW_Mess, FW_David, BC_Laguam, BC_Neveu, *NNGC1-Clo_vfa

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 034tsg

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 035ihc

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 036bx

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 037fc

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 038ok

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 039nry

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 040idj

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 041at

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 042ri

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 043pri

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 044isi

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 045mw

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 046fh

We lol'd so hard at this moment. That looked so funny!

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 047td

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 048ru

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 049da

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 050mph

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 051sp

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 052nl

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 053ghh

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 054qvn

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 055ai

Mensajes : 54
Fecha de inscripción : 17/01/2010
Localización : Russia

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Mensaje  -=AR=-ManOWar Jue 19 Ene 2012, 02:07

Great pics!! Wish to be there Smile.


Última edición por -=AR=-ManOWar el Sáb 21 Ene 2012, 18:36, editado 1 vez


Mensajes : 401
Fecha de inscripción : 24/11/2008

Volver arriba Ir abajo

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 Empty Re: Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12

Mensaje  -=AR=-SadMan Vie 20 Ene 2012, 20:53

Thnk for the screnshots Mess! Very Happy

Mensajes : 267
Fecha de inscripción : 24/11/2008
Edad : 51
Localización : Cadiz,España.

Volver arriba Ir abajo

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 Empty Re: Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12

Mensaje  FW_Mess Sáb 21 Ene 2012, 16:34

You're welcome guys! Thanks for your opinions Wink

Mensajes : 54
Fecha de inscripción : 17/01/2010
Localización : Russia

Volver arriba Ir abajo

Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12 Empty Re: Screenshots from 30.12.11 and 14.11.12

Mensaje  Contenido patrocinado

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