Alas Rotas
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Wellcome Mates!

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Wellcome Mates! Empty Wellcome Mates!

Mensaje  -=AR=-SadMan Sáb 17 Sep 2011, 19:09

Wellcome to ALAS ROTAS VAT forum.

We have open this special forum for all our friends that can not speak spanish, and to have a meeting point wit them.
In this forum we are going too, to translate into english all the interest news that we consider may have international interest for the rest of Virtual Aerobatic Teams/Pilots in the IL2 world.
So you are free to come and visit us,post news, opinions or whatever you consider may be good for the IL2 aerobatic community.
I hope to see lot of people over here, and this is a good point too to coordinate Team&Team flights or some other kind of meetings.

Thank you.


Mensajes : 267
Fecha de inscripción : 24/11/2008
Edad : 51
Localización : Cadiz,España.

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