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hola de RAAFSquad

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hola de RAAFSquad Empty hola de RAAFSquad

Mensaje  _RAAF_Stupot Lun 15 Mar 2010, 14:14

I am very sorry because my Spanish is very poor (tres mal in French - my French is better than my Spanish), so I hope my subject line was good enough as a welcome.......& I'll keep typing in English..... Wink

I am very impressed with your display team. I am trying to organise a display team within my own virtual squadron (Real Aussie Air Force).

You may have already seen us online Wink

I think that we have a lot to learn from you.

Anyway, I thought you may enjoy these videos that I recorded a few weeks ago at a local airshow.....


Mensajes : 1
Fecha de inscripción : 30/01/2010

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hola de RAAFSquad Empty Re: hola de RAAFSquad

Mensaje  -=AR=-ManOWar Lun 15 Mar 2010, 16:33

Hi Stupot!! Don't worry about english, no problem here Smile . Yes, I think I have seen before some of you in the HL. Thanks for your words, we do our best, but always remains a lot to learn!! Very Happy

Thanks for the vids, they are very interesting, it seems you have good airshows there in the other side of the world Smile . And good display from that team, I didn't knew about them, there are not so much display teams flying propellers. Go ahead with that virtual team, if you have enough people it's very fun flying together, hard work, but it's adictive.



Mensajes : 401
Fecha de inscripción : 24/11/2008

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